WTF is Bush thinking?? Sticking a finger in the eye of the U.N.??

Posted by Larry on March 7th, 2005 filed in Rant

>George Bush set to nominate John Bolton as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Known as the treaty killer by his friends and critics, as well as the anti-Ambassador, John Bolton may well change the course of American Democracy. He hints at recognizing Taiwan, and in the past has rejected the idea of a Palestinian state.

He is the man Jesse Helms would most like to stand with at Armageddon.

One Response to “WTF is Bush thinking?? Sticking a finger in the eye of the U.N.??”

  1. rs Says:

    bush , it seems, has hired, yet, another nazi sympathizer.
    at this rate, his whole cabinet will be nothing but jerks, and assholes.

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