Don’t forget that the Terri Schiavo media feeding frenzy was brought to you by the same folks who sold us a war based on lies.

Posted by Larry on March 31st, 2005 filed in Rant

We’re fortunate, I guess, that the only life at stake in this particular kangaroo court was that of poor Terri Schiavo. For better or worse, good or evil, her time on this earth is over. But when I think of the thousands, or even millions, of lives that could ride on the next big trial-by-media — when the topic could be something as potentially apocalyptic as war with North Korea or rapid climate change or the copyright laws governing the music industry (I’m kidding! I’m kidding!) — I do get worried. Because right now, the corporate media (and the dumbed-down culture they’ve helped create) are looking more and more like the intellectual equivalent of Dr. Kevorkian. And any of us — or all of us – could be their next patient.

One Response to “Don’t forget that the Terri Schiavo media feeding frenzy was brought to you by the same folks who sold us a war based on lies.”

  1. RadicalRob Says:

    I think 15 years as a veggie is long enough. Just think of the poor husband who has been by her side “every stinking day” for those 15 years. Give the guy some credit.
    My wife and I did our living wills years ago.

    That hack from “everybody Loves Raymond”, needs to shut her ugly mouth and get on with her life. Evidently she is the same bitch iiin life as she is on that show.
    Where was she 15 years ago, and before Terri Happened to ge this way. Does SHE know what Terri wanted? I suspect not!!!!
    Maybe Terri is now back to her old self, and loving it in Heaven.

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